Breastfeeding & Baby Support Group
Online breastfeeding & baby support group for all mothers and international parents (in Berlin) who find it easier to communicate in English than in German.
Topics & what to expect:
Baby's & mom's nutrition
The art of breastfeeding: how to avoid difficulties
Breastfeeding Basics (positioning, attachment, latch)
Organizing postpartum period for mom & baby
Expressing/pumping your milk
Starting solids & Baby Led Weaning
How do I know if my baby has had enough to drink?
Baby sleep & safe sleep surrounding
Baby Wearing, slings & baby carriers
Baby & skin care, cloth diapers
Baby Massage, Bonding
Child development
Kinaesthetic Infant Handling,
Body perception & mental hygiene a.m.m.
What you can expect:
A round of introductions, stretching & moving (mom's) bodies or baby massage, exchange of experiences with other mothers, information about breastfeeding and support with mom’s and baby’s nutrition and baby care problems.
Even though we have a meeting topic, I do my best to answer all your questions during the session. If your baby is beyond the stage of the meeting topic, come along and support parents with younger babies. Other mothers can benefit from your experience and take away ideas. Find sympathetic mothers in Berlin with whom you can arrange to meet. Supporting one another is the backbone of the Baby Consulting support group.
Wed 09.30-11.30 Uhr, every 2nd week
2 hrs.
Please note: Currently all meetings are virtual meetings.
The link will be sent out the evening before the virtual session.
Please contact my Mail to receive a link to the meeting you want to attend.
Looking forward to meeting you all!
Elisa Steiner, Course Instructor,
IBCLC* Baby-& Lactation Consultant, Health & Pediatric Nurse
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
DATES - only online!:
Wed 27. Dec. 2023 09.30-11.30
Wed 10. Jan. 2024 09.30-11.30
Wed 07. Feb 2024 09.30-11.30
Wed 21. Feb 2024 09.30-11.30
Wed 06. March 24 09.30-11.30

* Der Titel Still- und Laktationsberaterin IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) steht für eine international anerkannte Qualifikation medizinischer Fachpersonen und stellt weltweit die höchste Kompetenzstufe der professionellen Stillberatung dar.